Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Miketz – Mincha Friday at 4:38 PM

December 30 –  31, 2016 / 2 Tevet 5777 – Parshas Miketz – Shabbos Chanukah

Nadine Tuch is sponsoring kiddush in gratitude to Pico Bais Medrash for being such a warm and welcoming shul.
Friday, 4:38 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
4:35 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
10:20 AM Men’s Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM Women’s Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
11:00 AM Mishna Chabura (Rabbi Bloom)
4:20 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Hirschman)
5:35 PM Ma’ariv
8:51 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:27 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:17 AM Latest Tefilla
4:54 PM Shekiya
5:35 PM Shabbos over
6:06 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

The Kiddush sponsorship streak is at 18 weeks!

Come and join Rebbetzin Hirschman’s Mishlei shiur each Thursday at 10:30 AM in her home, 9048 Monte Mar Dr.

Dvar Torah

Major question!!

After being taken out of jail to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, Yosef is elected as viceroy for the land of Egypt. Yosef is in charge of collecting food during the years of abundance and storing it for the years of famine. When the famine hits the region, Yaakov, who was living in Eretz Canaan, sends his sons down to Egypt to purchase food. Yaakov does not send Binyomin out of fear of losing another son. The brothers are brought to Yosef, who immediately recognizes them and accuses them of being spies. Yosef tells them that the only way they will be exonerated is if they bring down Binyomin with them. Shimon gets locked up in prison as “collateral,” and the other brothers are sent home.

When the brothers relay to Yaakov what happened, he responds that under no circumstances will he send Binyomin down. Yehuda, the leader of the brothers, finds himself in a bind. He feels responsible to go down and free Shimon from jail, yet his father refuses to send Binyomin. Yehuda bides his time, hoping for a change in the circumstances.

The hunger in Eretz Canaan intensifies, and Yaakov’s household begins to run out of food. Yaakov summons his sons, and the following exchange takes place: And it came to pass, when they finished eating the grain that they had brought from Egypt that their father said to them, “Go back [and] buy us a little food.” But Yehuda spoke to him, saying, “The man warned us repeatedly, saying, ‘You shall not see my face if your brother is not with you.’ (Miketz 43: 2-3)

I have questioned the simple meaning of these pesukim for many years and have not received a satisfying answer. Yaakov was well aware that his sons could not return to Egypt without Binyomin. Why, then, would he ask them to go there without addressing the issue of Binyomin?

If you have an answer to this question, please email me at ayhirschman7@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you and become enlightened with the proper understanding of these pesukim!!

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Vayetzei – Mincha Friday at 4:30 PM

December 16 –  17, 2016 / 17 Kislev 5777 – Parshas Vayishlach

Friday, 4:30 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
4:27 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
10:20 AM Men’s Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM Women’s Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
11:00 AM Mishna Chabura (Rabbi Bloom)
4:15 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Hirschman)
5:27 PM Ma’ariv
8:45 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:21 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:10 AM Latest Tefilla
4:46 PM Shekiya
5:27 PM Shabbos over
5:58 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Thank you to Elena Elyahoo for sponsoring kiddush last week in memory of the 12th yartzheit of Avraham ben Hanukah.

Join us for a Women’s Melava Malka & Game Night this Motzei Shabbos on December 17th. See details in the flyer below.

Yarchei Kallah will take place Monday – Thursday, 12/26 – 12/29, at the kollel in Beth Jacob. See details in the flyer below.


Come and join Rebbetzin Hirschman’s Mishlei shiur each Thursday at 10:30 AM in her home, 9048 Monte Mar Dr.

Dvar Torah

Yaakov arrived intact at the city of Shechem which is in the land of Canaan, upon arriving from Padan-Aram, and he encamped before the city. He bought the parcel upon which he pitched his tent from the children of Chamor, Shechem’s father, for one hundred kehsitahs. (33: 18-19)

“He encamped before the city.” Rav says he established a new coin for them. Shmuel says he established marketplaces for them. R’ Yochanan says he established bathhouses for them. (Shabbos 33b)

R’ Yerucham Levovitz points out that the Gemara above gives us tremendous insight into the great midos of a tzadik. The pasuk above states that Yaakov bought the field for one hundred kehsitahs, a small fortune in those days. In such a situation, many people would feel that they deserve all the amenities the community has to offer after paying such an exorbitant fee for living there. Yaakov Avinu, on the other hand, was an extremely humble man who took nothing for granted. He felt indebted to any person, place, or object that served his needs. Since the city of Shechem was a comfortable place for him and his family to live, out of feelings of gratitude and indebtedness he was innovative in finding ways to improve the services available in the city.

Interestingly, this is the first place in the Torah where we find the concept of “tikkun olam” – improving the world. It is important to note that this episode teaches us an important lesson regarding our priorities when we engage in tikkun olam. Inasmuch as its foundations are rooted in the character traits of humility, humbleness, and hakaras hatov, tikkun olam should begin with improving the institutions that benefit us on a daily basis, such as the shul, school, yeshiva, mikva and kollel.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Toldos – Mincha Friday at 4:28 PM

December 2 –  3, 2016 / 3 Kislev 5777 – Parshas Toldos

Kevin and Hayley Morris are sponsoring shalosh seudos in honor of keeping the shalosh seudos streak going for the second week.

Our 14 week sponsored kiddush streak is on the line. Please consider sponsoring kiddush to keep it going!

Friday, 4:28 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
4:25 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
10:20 AM Men’s Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM Women’s Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
11:00 AM Mishna Chabura (Rabbi Bloom)
4:05 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Casen)
5:23 PM Ma’ariv
8:36 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:12 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:02 AM Latest Tefilla
4:43 PM Shekiya
5:23 PM Shabbos over
5:55 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Come and join Rebbetzin Hirschman’s Mishlei shiur each Thursday at 10:30 AM in her home, 9048 Monte Mar Dr.

Thank you to Shaun and Rachel Tuch for sponsoring shalosh seudos last week in honor of whoever was bold enough to sponsor a second consecutive week and get a streak going.

Mazel Tov to David and Meira Zernick upon the birth of a baby girl!

Join us for a Women’s Melava Malka & Game Night on December 17th. See details in the flyer below.

Dvar Torah

When Yitzchak reaches old age, his eyes become weak, and he senses that his days are numbered. He instructs Esav to go out and prepare a meal for him. Upon Esav’s return, Yitzchak plans to bless him and his descendants with eternal wealth and prosperity. Rivka overhears Yitzchak’s request and encourages Yaakov to bring the meal to his father and “intercept” the blessings. Since Yaakov’s skin was smooth and Esav’s was hairy, Yaakov was concerned that his father would touch him and expose his true identity. To address this concern, Rivka fastened goat skin to Yaakov’s arms and neck so that his skin would feel like Esav’s.

Yaakov eventually brought the requested meal to Yitzchak and urged his father to partake of it. At that point, Yitzchak became confused since he recognized Yaakov’s voice. He asked Yaakov to come close to him so that he could feel his son’s skin. Upon touching the goat hair on Yaakov’s arms, Yitzchak commented: “The voice is Yaakov’s and the hands are Esav’s”.

The Meforshim write that Yitzchak intended his words to be more of a statement than a reflection of his confusion. Hashem gave Yaakov and his children capability, influence, and power via their voice, i.e., tefilla, while Esav merited the blessing of “By your sword you shall live.” When the descendants of Yaakov are faced with physical threats, they turn to tefilla, while the offspring of Esav resort to the use of force.

Currently, with the existence of a Jewish state, when the descendants of Yaakov are forced to protect themselves with an army, it is essential that we reinforce our belief in the prophetic words of Yitzchak. Our first line of protection is through our tefillos. Even when we must use force, the effectiveness of our weaponry is directly linked to our dedication to tefilla.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Chayei Sarah – Mincha Friday at 4:29 PM

November 26 –  27, 2016 / 25 Cheshvan 5777 – Parshas Chayei Sarah

Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi’s Hirschman and family in honor of receiving the Chasan Torah aliya and by Rabbi Casen and family in honor of receiving the Chasan Bereishis aliya.

Sahar and Shaun Edalati are sponsoring kiddush in gratitude to Rabbis Quinn, Bloom, and Elefant for providing us with classes through Jewish Routes and Nir Yacoby for taking the time to learn with Sahar every Monday morning.

Kiddush is sponsored by Ivan Lazarus in honor of Yaakov Shlomo’s first birthday and with thanks to Pico Bais Medrash for being so warm.

Friday, 4:29 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
4:26 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
10:20 AM Men’s Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM Women’s Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
11:00 AM Mishna Chabura (Rabbi Bloom)
4:05 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Quinn)
5:24 PM Ma’ariv
8:32 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:08 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
9:59 AM Latest Tefilla
4:44 PM Shekiya
5:24 PM Shabbos over
5:56 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Pico Bais Medrash sponsored kiddush streak is now at 13 weeks!

Dvar Torah

And food was set before him to eat, but he said, “I will not eat until I have spoken my words.” And he said, “Speak.” (Chaye Sara 24:33)

Eliezer sets out to find a wife for his master Avraham’s son Yitzchak. Eliezer travels to Aram Naharayim where he meets Rivka. She invites Eliezer to her parents’ home, where he is welcomed and given a meal to eat. Before partaking of the food, Eliezer was intent on making his mission clear, and it is at this point that the passuk above appears.

Rav Yerucham Levovitz points out that there is an important lesson that can be inferred from this seemingly ordinary statement of Eliezer’s. Whenever a person is a guest at someone else’s home and their host offers food or drink, the guest is supposed to graciously accept the offer right away. Eliezer was careful to ask permission to have a conversation before beginning the meal.

At times, guests may grow uncomfortable when they are offered a snack or a meal by their hosts. Nevertheless, the Torah encourages guests to accept their host’s offerings without delay. The food that they are being served reflects the goodwill and sense of connection that the host is nurturing, and it is important to reciprocate those feelings by partaking of the food.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Vayeira – Mincha Friday at 4:32 PM

November 18 –  20, 2016 / 18 Cheshvan 5777 – Parshas Vayeira

Kiddush is sponsored by Shmuel and Karen Johnson with hakares hatov to Nir and Atrian Yacoby and their family for Kol Hanaarim.
Friday, 4:32 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
4:29 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
10:20 AM Men’s Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM Women’s Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
11:00 AM Mishna Chabura (Rabbi Bloom)
4:10 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Bloom)
5:26 PM Ma’ariv
8:28 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:04 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
9:55 AM Latest Tefilla
4:46 PM Shekiya
5:26 PM Shabbos over
5:58 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Welcome to our newest members, Nir and Atrian Yacoby and family!

Pico Bais Medrash sponsored kiddush streak is now at 12 weeks!

Dvar Torah

When the Torah mentions the sons-in-law of Lot, it refers to them as “lokchei benosav” – the takers of his daughters. Rav Yaakov Galinsky points out that this reference, most likely, is not a description of positive character traits. After all, these sons-in-law were the ones who laughed at Lot when he tried to convince them to leave Sodom at the behest of the angels. It would be odd for the Torah to now be attributing positive qualities to these wicked men.

Rav Galinsky contrasts the characters of Lot’s sons-in-law with the ideal process of frum individuals who are engaged in shidduchim. Traditionally, parental involvement has played a significant role in shidduchim. Avraham and Yitzchak’s close involvement in their sons’ shidduchim is clearly recorded in the Torah. When a Jewish couple marry, they are forming a link in the eternal chain and legacy of Klal Yisrael. An event as significant as this, which holds so much potential for the future, necessarily requires a deliberate decision-making process that deserves the insight, vision, and maturity of the parents involved.

Lot’s daughters married hedonistic men who were focused on the personal gratification they would find in marriage. Certainly, with such shallow goals in mind, they would not involve their parents in the process. After all, they reasoned, they knew what types of women they wanted and what would be best for themselves. For that reason, the Torah describes them as “the takers of his daughters,” hinting at the fact that these men married Lot’s daughters based on their own desires and their own decisions.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

Pico Bais Medrash – Parshas Nitzavim – Mincha Friday at 6:22 PM

September 31 – October 1, 2016 / 28 Elul 5776 – Parshas Nitzavim

The Pico Bais Medrash Yomim Noraim / Shabbos Shuva schedule can be downloaded here.

Please send donation checks to:

Pico Bais Medrash

3637 Motor Ave Ste 300

Los Angeles, CA 90034
If you would like to donate using a credit card please call: 310-779-0660.

Friday, 6:22 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
6:19 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
Men’s Shiur Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM
Women’s Shiur
Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
5:00 PM Shul Open for Learning
6:00 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Heller)
7:13 PM Ma’ariv
9:09 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:45 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:44 AM Latest Tefilla
6:36 PM Shekiya
7:13 PM Shabbos over
7:48 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Pico Bais Medrash expresses its condolences to the Gradon family on the passing of Elimelech ben Basya.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

Thank you to David and Meira Zernik for sponsoring kiddush last week in memory of David’s grandfather.

Arba Minim are available for purchase through Pico Bais Medrash. Please call Rabbi Hirschman at (310) 882-8639 or email ayhirschman7@gmail.com for more details.

Dvar Torah

As the first week of selichos comes to an end, I would like to share with you a personal perspective that surfaces for me each year at this time. In the days leading up to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, chazal instituted the recitation of selichos in order to afford us an extra opportunity to express our regret to Hashem for our past mistakes and to ask Hashem to inscribe us in the book of life and prosperity in the coming year. Chazal specifically instituted that we recite selichos in the early morning because it is at that time that Hashem sits on His throne of mercy.

It is especially important to be mindful about coming to shul on time for selichos. Hashem is sitting on His throne of mercy with open arms, awaiting our selichos, our display of remorse for past mistakes and our commitment to our renewed spiritual growth. To better understand this opportunity, imagine the following scenario: A vendor upsets a client and instead of the client taking his business elsewhere, he offers the vendor a chance to sit down with him and try to straighten things out. If the vendor came late to such a meeting, what kind of message would he be giving his client? As Hashem waits early in the morning for the lovely sound of our selichos, it is important that we appear on time. We should be in our seats before the chazzan begins the tefila in order to demonstrate our sincere desire to renew and reinforce our relationship with our Creator.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

July 29 – 30, 2016 / 24 Tammuz 5776 – Parshas Pinchas – Shabbos Mevorchim

Friday, 6:13 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
7:37 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
Men’s Shiur Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM
Women’s Shiur
Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
5:00 PM Shul Open for Learning
7:15 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Casen)
8:36 PM Ma’ariv
8:55 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:31 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:40 AM Latest Tefilla
7:54 PM Shekiya
8:36 PM Shabbos over
9:06 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Dvar Torah

Moshe directly requested of Hashem that He appoint an appropriate leader to succeed him after his passing. Hashem chose Moshe’s prize pupil, Yehoshua, as the candidate. The Midrash elaborates as to why Yehoshua was chosen: “Yehoshua serviced you and bestowed much honor upon you. He spent his days and nights in your bais medrash; he also arranged the chairs and spread the table cloths there.”

The explanation of the Midrash is difficult to comprehend: The fact that Yehoshua assumed responsibility for keeping the beis medrash neat and clean is very commendable, but in what way does it reflect greatness and leadership skills?

R’ Eliyahu Meir Bloch answers this question with a beautiful insight. Revolutionary discoveries and accomplishments are typically widely recognized and celebrated. Nobel Prize winners are wined and dined all over the world and their pictures appear in newspapers and magazines, whereas people who go about fulfilling their everyday jobs such as collecting trash, repairing electrical lines, fixing roads, etc. – tasks which are vital to the well-being of civilization – largely go unnoticed. However, a person who embodies greatness and leadership appreciates the importance of the menial tasks and celebrates the people who dutifully perform them.

It is important for a person who wishes to achieve success in their Torah studies to learn with “yishuv hadaas” – tranquility of the mind. Although achieving such tranquility is largely in one’s own hands, the ambiance of the place where they study is definitely a contributing factor. A clean beis medrash where the tables and chairs are arranged neatly and the seforim are in their proper places helps people maximize their opportunity to learn.

Yehoshua’s greatness allowed him to recognize the importance of a clean beis medrash, and he was therefore happy to personally assume the responsibility for that important task.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

July 8 – 9, 2016 / 3 Tammuz 5776 – Parshas Korach

Pico Bais Medrash has moved – Next Door! – to 9041 Pico Blvd.
Friday, 6:22 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
7:49 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
Men’s Shiur Halacha Shiur (will resume shortly)
10:45 AM
Women’s Shiur
Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
5:00 PM Shul Open for Learning
7:30 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos (Rabbi Hirschman)
8:50 PM Ma’ariv
8:47 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:23 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:35 AM Latest Tefilla
8:06 PM Shekiya
8:50 PM Shabbos over
9:18 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)

Thank you to all those who helped with the shul move.

There are private seforim and articles of clothing left at the shul. If you would like to pick them up, please contact Motti Gabler at (805) 478-1381.

Mazel Tov to Aaron Morris on his Aufruf and upcoming marriage to Rivka Richeimer!

Dvar Torah

Korach’s revolt against the leadership of Moshe is recorded at great length. There is a dispute among the meforshim as to when this revolt took place. Ibn Ezra writes that it happened while the Jews were still in Midbar Sinai after the giving of the Torah. Ramban, consistent with his approach that the Torah was written in chronological order, argues that the revolt took place in Midbar Paran, shortly after the tragic episode with the spies.

Ramban acknowledges that the feelings of jealousy were likely festering within Korach many months before, while the people were still in Midbar Sinai; however, the chances of a successful revolt at that time were nonexistent. Moshe’s involvement in the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim was still fresh in the minds of the Bnei Yisroel, as was his astoundingly successful intervention on their behalf after the sin of the golden calf. Moshe was the undisputed champion of the Jewish people, and Korach would have had no chance of staging a successful revolt. However, in Midbar Paran, where many Jews perished when they complained about the manna, followed by the incident with the spies when the Jews were punished harshly, Moshe’s popularity began to wane. Korach, the opportunist, jumped at this opportunity to stage his revolt.

R’ Yerucham Levovitz notes that Moshe’s popularity decreased despite his clear lack of culpability in the difficulties which the Bnei Yisroel were experiencing. Despite the fact that they alone were to blame for their misfortunes, they nevertheless blamed Moshe. This is a classic example of human folly – when making our own mistakes, we tend to shift the blame to others. The Bnei Yisroel were solely responsible for their blunders. Nevertheless, they blamed their leader and were therefore open to hearing additional criticism about him.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman

July 1 – 2, 2016 / 26 Sivan 5776 – Parshas Shlach – Shabbos Mevorchim


July 1 – 2, 2016 / 26 Sivan 5776 – Parshas Shlach  Shabbos Mevorchim

Pico Bais Medrash will be moving to our new location a few doors down and needs as many helping hands as can volunteer. With enough help, the move should go quickly. We plan to start around 9:30 AM on the morning of this Monday, July 4th. If you can help, please contact Kevin Morris at 310-738-6614 or Motti Gabler at 805-478-1381.

Friday, 6:23 PM Mincha-Kabalos Shabbos
7:50 PM Candlelighting
Shabbos, 8:00 AM Shacharis
8:50 AM Torah Reading
9:30 AM Dvar Torah (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:00 AM Kiddush
Men’s Shiur Halacha Shiur (Rabbi Hirschman)
10:45 AM
Women’s Shiur
Bnei Yissaschar (Rabbi Quinn)
5:00 PM Shul Open for Learning
7:30 PM Mincha
Shalosh Seudos
8:51 PM Ma’ariv
8:45 AM Latest Shema (M”A)
9:21 AM Latest Shema (GRA)
10:33 AM Latest Tefilla
8:08 PM Shekiya
8:51 PM Shabbos over
9:20 PM Shabbos over (R’ Tam)


Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yoni Handwerger on the birth of a baby boy! The Shalom Zachor will be this Friday night, from 8:30 – 10:45 PM, at 1481 S Crest Dr. The bris will be held at the same location, Shabbos morning, at 11:30 AM.


Mazel Tov to Shaun and Rachel Tuch on the birth of a baby girl!

Pico Bais Medrash wishes a Refua Sheleima to Rabbi Casen (Rav Yisroel Dovid ben Rus).

Dvar Torah

Then, the nations that heard of your fame will say, “Because Hashem lacked the ability to bring this people to the land that He has sworn to give them, He slaughtered them in the wilderness.” (14:15,16)

One of the most tragic events in all of Jewish history occurs in this week’s parsha. In preparation for conquering Eretz Yisrael, the Jews sent a group of men to scout out the strengths and weaknesses of the land. They returned with an overly pessimistic report about Eretz Yisroel, causing the Jews to complain about Hashem’s taking them out of Egypt and promising them Eretz Yisroel. In response, Hashem vowed to wipe out the Jewish people and begin a new nation with Moshe’s offspring.

Moshe Rabbeinu interceded on behalf of Bnei Yisroel and cautioned Hashem regarding the possibility that the non-Jews would assume that the reason all the Jews died in the desert was because Hashem did not have the capability to bring them into Eretz Yisrael. The non-Jews would say that Egypt had only one king for Hashem to conquer, whereas Eretz Yisroel was occupied by 31 kings. Hashem accepted Moshe’s argument and reversed the decree.

Ramban asks: Was there really an element of chillul Hashem in such an irrational and ridiculous claim? After all the wondrous miracles which Hashem performed in Egypt and at the sea, could anyone in their right mind doubt Hashem’s ability to overcome even one thousand kings? Why would Hashem allow the undeserving Bnei Yisroel to continue living just to counter such a foolish allegation?

R’ Yerucham Levovitz answers that the Torah is teaching us an important lesson regarding our responsibility to prevent a chillul Hashem. Even if there is only a slim possibility that one fool will get the impression that Hashem lacks the might to overcome the 31 kings, it is worthwhile to save an entire nation of sinners in order to prevent the desecration of Hashem’s great Name.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Hirschman